Friday, August 20, 2010

Peaceful Protest Don't Haul to build the ground zero mosque

As Americans and a united people we really need to stand behind our hard hat brothers and sisters in NYC and NOT haul anything associated with the mosque project.

It is not RIGHT that they want this trophy to Islam placed where so many died having kissed there loved ones good bye and having that last kiss become a forever.

I shed tears when I see the NYC skyline.
I grew up seeing this city, being its neighbor and loving the culture and people.

I ask you that read this to peacefully and respectfully protest the injustice to those lost.
I ask you to NOT let others defecate where we eat.

As Americans we may have a slight tendency to stick it to one another but we sure as hell won't let an outsider stick it to ANYONE in our American family.

It may be hard on your wallet. I'm positive they will pay TOP Dollar to have you haul it, whatever it is but REMEMBER. You will have to live with the potential that the money you get may be from someone that killed our Brothers and Sisters on 9/11.

Please, consider this and avoid all hauls to aid the mosque project.

May the road rise to meet you all and keep you safe from harm.

The Bulldog