Saturday, March 13, 2010

CSA 2010 Links and info

Well CSA2010 is here to stay.
In a recent meeting at my terminal we discussed how CSA2010 will basically work and how it effects the driver and the company.

The days of the outlaw trucker is now over but what does all this mean to you?
Nothing, that is if you have made an effort to be legal and compliant in your activities in the last THREE years.

Yes the last THREE YEARS.
What you do today will effect your tomorrow.
How you handle yourself, your equipment and your freight will be examined in the BASICs they are using to determine your level of professionalism.

Your documentation, (Logs and Paperwork)
Your level of compliance.
ALL OF IT, for 3 years will be reviewed.

The HIGHER your score due to violations the more likely you will undergo a review.
If you are an unsafe or as CSA calls it "UNFIT" you and your company may and can be SHUT DOWN.

Once you hit this threshold in the scoring system you are pretty much going to be done.

That Seatbelt ticket when you were speeding before NOW GETS a value.
That time you were pulled over for a light out NOW GETS SCORED.
Everything you do and how you DO IT, now gets scored.

If you do the RIGHT thing and go with the program, you will be fine.
If you are one for "THEM" that does what they want, your time in trucking is now limited.

REMEMBER, CSA2010 is not a bad thing or a punishment of those whom do their jobs properly and professionally every day.
But CSA2010 will be the end of bad companies and crappy operators in the long run.

If the bad apples are gone from the barrel those of you that share the road will have greater value in the trucking community.
In the long term that means more money and respect for what YOU DO RIGHT and a better example in and on the workplace we all share, the North American Highway system.

If you have questions about CSA2010 click the links below or consult your safety manager at your company.

Drive Safe and Be Well

FMCSA CSA 2010 Link

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